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Kutatás, Publikációk


Fizikai Fémorganikus Kémiai Laboratórium (FFKL)


Kutatási témák

  • Szervetlen és szerves kémia: Instabil vegyületek előállítása és szerkezetvizsgálata

  • Fémorganikus kémia: inert atmoszférás módszerek alkalmazása fõcsoport- és átmenetifém organikus vegyületek előállítására;

  • Kísérleti molekulaspektroszkópia (UPS, IR, Raman): szervetlen, szerves és fémorganikus vegyületek elektronszerkezetének és rezgési tulajdonságainak vizsgálata, gázfázisú reakciók tanulmányozása, átmeneti termékek in situ mérése;

  • Számításos kémia: kvantumkémiai módszerek alkalmazása molekulaszerkezet, molekuláris tulajdonságok és reakciómechanizmusok vizsgálatára;


Full Publication List

Selected Publications:

  •   Miklós Fehér, Tibor Pasinszki, and Tamás Veszprémi: The Equilibrium Conformation
            of Ethyl Isocyanate Revisited,  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1993, 115, 1500-2.              

  • Tamás Veszprémi, Tibor Pasinszki, and Miklós Fehér: The Structure of Pseudohalides
           - The Existence of a New Isomer,  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1994, 116, 6303-6306.   

  • Tibor Pasinszki and Nicholas P. C. Westwood: He I Photoelectron, Photoionization Mass
           Spectroscopy, Mid-Infrared, and ab Initio Study of the Unstable CH3OCN Molecule,
          J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99, 1649-1654.                                                                   

  • Tibor Pasinszki and Nicholas P. C. Westwood: Gas-Phase Generation of the Unstable
           BrCNO Molecule and Its Stable Dibromofuroxan Dimer. He I Photoelectron,
           Photoionization Mass Spectroscopy, Mid-Infrared, and ab Initio Studies  J. Phys

    1995, 99, 6401-6409.                                                                                 IP:3,395

  • Tibor Pasinszki and Nicholas P. C. Westwood: Cyanogen Di-N-oxide (ONCCNO): Gas
           Phase Generation and a He I Photoelectron, Photoionization Mass Spectroscopy,
           Midinfrared, and Ab Initio Study,  J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1995, 117, 8425-30.       

  • Bujin Guo, Tibor Pasinszki, Nicholas P. C. Westwood and Peter F. Bernath: The high
            resolution infrared spectroscopy of cyanogen di-N-oxide (ONCCNO), J. Chem. Phys.
           1995, 103, 3335-40.                                                                                           

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Hideo Yamakado, and Koichi Ohno: Penning Ionization of CH3CN and
           CH3NC by Collision with He*(23S) Metastable Atoms,  J. Phys. Chem.,  1995, 99,

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Masaru Aoki, Shigeru Masuda, Yoshiya Harada, Nobuo Ueno, Hajime
    Hoshi, and Yusei Maruyama:  Characterization of Ultrathin Films of Chloroaluminium
           Phthalocyanine during Layer-by-Layer Preparation on Graphite: PIES and UPS Study,
           J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99,12858-62.                                                                    

  • Bujin Guo, Tibor Pasinszki, Nicholas P. C. Westwood, Keqing Zhang and Peter F.
           Bernath: High resolution infrared spectroscopy of cyanogen N-oxide, NCCNO,
           J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 105, 4457-4460.                                                            

  • Tibor Pasinszki and Nicholas P. C. Westwood:  Ground, excited, and ionic states of the
            NCCNO molecule; a HeI photoelectron, infrared, ultraviolet and ab initio investigation,
            J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 16856-16863.                                                             

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Naoki Kishimoto, and Koichi Ohno: Two-Dimensional Penning
            Ionization Electron Spectroscopy of NNO, HCNO, and HNNN; Electronic Structure and
            the Interaction Potential with He*(23S) Metastable and Li(22S) Ground State Atoms.
            J. Phys. Chem. A. 1999, 103, 6746-6756.                                                            

  • Tibor Pasinszki and Nicholas P. C. Westwood:  Gas Phase Spectroscopy of the Unstable  
    Acetonitrile N-oxide molecule, CH3CNO.
    J. Phys. Chem. A. 2001, 105, 1244-1253.                                                             IP:2,63

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Tamás Kárpáti, and Nicholas P. C. Westwood:  Structure and Stability
            of Small Nitrile Sulfides and Their Attempted Generation from 1,2,5-Thiadiazoles.
            J. Phys. Chem. A. 2001, 105, 6258-6265.                                                             

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Balázs Havasi, and Attila Kovács: A Midinfrared and Quantum-
            Chemical Study of the Structure, Conformation, and Isomerization of the Unstable
            CH3CH2OCN Molecule. 
             J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107, 1720-1726. 

  • Tibor Pasinszki: Quantum-chemical study of the structure and stability of
            pseudohalogens: OCN-NCO and its isomers. 
           Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2008, 10, 1391-1398.                                                   IP: 4.064

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Balázs Hajgató, Balázs Havasi and Nicholas P. C. Westwood:
            Dimerization of Nitrile-oxides: a Quantum-chemical Study.
            Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 5263-5272
    .                                                   IP: 4.116

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Melinda Krebsz, Gábor Bazsó and György Tarczay: First Isolation and
            Spectroscopic Observation of Thiofulminic acid (HCNS).
            Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 6100-6102.                                                       
                   IP: 5.382

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Gábor Bazsó, Melinda Krebsz and György Tarczay: A matrix isolation
            and computational study of the [C, N, F, S] isomers.
            Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11,
    9458-9467.                                                   IP:  4.116

  • Tibor Pasinszki, Nicholas P. C. Westwood: Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Applications of Small
    Nitrile Oxides.
    Curr. Org. Chem. 2011, 15,
    1720-1733.                                                                IP:  3.064

  • Melinda Krebsz, Gábor Májusi, Bálint Pacsai, György Tarczay, and Tibor Pasinszki: Generation and
    Identification of Selenofulminic Acid and Its Methyl and Cyano Derivatives
            (XCNSe, X=H, CH3, NC).
            Chem. Eur. J. 20
    12, 18, 2646-2652.                                                                     IP: 5.


(2012. szeptember)



honlap: http://tpasinszki.web.elte.hu